【Lenovo X 廚尊】將愛散播到每一個角落! Lenovo日前將4部ThinkBook 15 贈予慈善團體 - 廚尊 (PDHK),協助支援其日常營運工作!
【Lenovo X 廚尊】將愛散播到每一個角落! Lenovo日前將4部ThinkBook 15 贈予慈善團體 - 廚尊 (PDHK),協助支援其日常營運工作!廚尊服務對象為弱勢社群,透過提供技能培訓及安排工作等,畀佢哋自力更生,貢獻社會。 Lenovo希望人人都可以利用智慧科技開拓精彩人生!... 【Lenovo X PDHK】Spread the Love! Lenovo recently donated 4 ThinkBook 15 to the charity group “Project Dignity Hong Kong” (PDHK) to support their daily operations! The group is serving on the disadvantaged individuals by providing training and offering job opportunities that helping them to integrate into society more easily. Lenovo hopes that everyone can have better livelihoods with smarter technology. #LenovoHK #LoveOn #SmarterTechnologyForAll See More