【Windows 10】新時代即將降臨! Windows 7 嘅明確終止支援日期喺今日(2020 年 1 月 14 日) - Windows Update 唔會再為依個產品提供有助於保護電腦嘅技術協助同埋軟體更新。 想時刻保持競爭優勢?立即選用搭載Windows 10 嘅Lenovo裝置,感受最快最安全嘅絕佳新體驗!... 了解更多:
【Windows 10】 Embrace the next Era! Support for Windows 7 ends today (January 14, 2020) - you will no longer receive software updates, including security updates, from Microsoft. Want to stay on top of the game? Pick out a Lenovo device with Windows 10 and indulge in the fastest and safest experience today! Learn more:
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